Tales of Pirates: New Year Event: Harvest Ceremony
Tales of Pirates will be holding an interesting Harvest Ceremony event for players to enjoy the fruits of their labor in the New Year. Thanks to their tireless work during the past year, they've reaped a bumper crop and the GMs have decided to give something back to the most diligent worker's in the game. If you can collect the item the GM requires, you will obtain Sand Bags and gold rewards!
Event Duration: 09:00pm -10:30pm EST (GMT-5) January 12th
Event Location: Shaitan City
During the event players need to collect 10 required props in a limited time, then go to find the GM to redeem them for production props and gold helpful for the players' training. Each player can only redeem 10 props. It is an event that can greatly increase a players' leveling speed, so this is especially good for newbies!
The joy of harvest is bringing fun and bonuses to pirates in 2009, so pay attention for more of these fantastic events in the coming months!