WOW GOLD players who are dead will now get credit as intended.
As if this place weren't enough of a madhouse to begin with, we're fighting a war on two fronts up here, with the Scourge on one side and those blasted Alliance dogs on our other flank!We are here to clear a safe landing for our vessels, but a behemoth of a giant on the other side of the Ramparts is hurling debris at anything that comes close and keeping our smaller ships at bay.I'll be honest -- he's a bit much for us to handle, but you and your companions look up to the task. wow power leveling here.Blood Queen Lana'thel will now begin her flight phase a little earlier in 25 player mode, Vampiric Bite is no longer mitigated by armor, and the damage of Vampiric Bite has been reduced.Toravon will not be affected appropriately by Area-of-Effect damage spells.The Frost Orb corpses in the Toravon encounter will now despawn faster.WOW GOLD players who are dead will now get credit as intended when defeating the Valithira Dreamwalker encounter.Players can no longer zone in while the Valithria Dreamwalker encounter is active.Anti Magic Shell no longer resets the Mystic Buffet stacks in the Sindragosa encounter.The Val'kyr in the Lich King encounter are no longer affected by Death Grip and will head to ledges faster.Deathbringer's Will trinket will now proc haste as a replacement for armor penetration.The val'kyrs spawned by the Nibelung staff will now always hit with their smite attack and their damage has been increased for both normal and heroic versions of the staff.The chance for the proc to activate on the Black Bruise weapon has been increased.